My mastermind Group always gets lightsabers! Choose the light!
We had an amazing Tea Party call last Sunday, with 30 plus people! We all got together and we cleared some energy. I like to say it gets you back to your soul’s truth, or 100% YOU!
I love, love, love working with a group of people and helping them up-level their lives and clear the past baggage that is not serving them and allowing their gifts to shine. It was an amazing call and everyone shifted by the end of the hour. That is powerful healing for life! See the replay of the tea party here.
I know that Nancy came to the call with asthma and was breathing better by the end — WOW that was pretty amazing. How did that happen without an inhaler, drug, or even a natural product? We were clearing energy, and much pain and all of your disease and imbalances actually start in your energy field. You can work on your physical body and that is super important, like eating healthy, taking your vitamins, exercising, all those lifestyle changes that we know we are supposed to do and are taught. They are an important piece of the puzzle and relate to the B= Body in the B.R.A.I.N. System. But, we still need to work in the energy field. That is what I discovered on my path of healing and what I want to share with you.
Here I am in Boulder with my group during our Brain-Soul Integration Retreat this October.
In fact the people who work closely with me change the trajectory of their life. Deanna started in our program a year and half ago with a traumatic brain injury. In three months we helped that issue and conquered the addiction to coffee-mate and cigarettes. Deanna’s business was feast or famine, mostly feminine, and this year from January to June Deanna made more money than she made all last year.
Here is Deanna (left) and Charolette at the Boulder retreat, looking radiant! They have both come so far since we met in the sprint of 2017.
So with the B.R.A.I.N. System imagine what is possible for you?
What I notice is the people who work very closely with me, and the more we do the energy work, the more their lives change. They are able to accomplish great great things, make more money in their business, and live happier more fulfilling lives, and I certainly want that for you. So, if you missed the Tea Party and want to hear the recording, take a look or bookmark it and watch it to see if you feel different at the end, because I am going to guess that you will. If you are really paying attention to what we are doing, even if it doesn’t make sense yet, check in with yourself before you watch the call and after.
Watch it the Tea party Replay Here.
Then email me, because I love to hear from all of you. Take a look at the video and let me know what you experience. Perhaps take a before and after picture. Check out how much Henry and Wanda changed after a Miracle Integration!
Wanda and Henry before…
Henry and Wanda after… hahaah. Something silly I had to share!
I love you all,